Teaching Minds;
Guiding Hearts
SJS Trunk or Treat
Join us for a night of fright and fun as SJS students go trick-or-treating around SJS school parking lot visiting creative trunks for Halloween! Join us for pizza, dancing and costume contests.
Twice a year, the 7th and 8th grade students are treated to a dance. The Auditorium is transformed by volunteer parents and 6th grade parents chaperone the event. A DJ helps the students dance and have a great time!
Social Studies Fair
Every year, in the spring, the students in grades 3, 4, 5 are participants in the Social Studies Fair. Each student researches a country, a state, a county or a particular place of interest and presents a project to be displayed for the rest of the student body and our parents. Parents are invited to stop by in the evening to see the projects. Students view the projects during the school day.
Our students in grades 6, 7 & 8 are participants in a STREAM Fair, which takes place in the late Spring. Projects are completed using the Scientific Method: developing a hypothesis, asking questions, gathering data and drawing conclusions. Students in all grades and parents are invited to view the projects during the day see what our middle school students have investigated.
Math Bee
Every year, during Catholic Schools Week, the 6, 7 & 8 grade students participate in a Math Bee. Trials are held in the classroom and three students are picked from each class to be in the Bee. Mental math problems are given to the students and they are challenged to solve these problems in a short period of time. Trophies are awarded to first, second and third place winners.
Field Day
Every year, towards the end of May, our students from Kindergarten to grade eight take a bus to the Garden City Athletic Field on Stewart Avenue to take part in Field Day. Students play all sorts of races, activities and athletic competitions by grade. Class parents provide water and snack for the day.
St. Patrick's Day Carnival
Each year, St. Joseph School celebrates St. Patrick's Day with a carnival. Each grade attends at their specified time and spends some time playing ring toss, bean bag toss, piggy races and other assorted carnival games at booths manned by parent volunteers. Students may also use raffle tickets to bid on prizes which are raffled off in the afternoon. Baked goods are available during the lunch period to help celebrate the day.
Special Person's Day
PreK students invite a Special Person to school during Catholic Schools Week to enjoy some quality time together. They make a craft together and have a snack with each other to make it a special time.
Breakfast with Santa
Typically held on a Saturday in December, the PTA runs a Breakfast with Santa for the children and their parents. Breakfast is served (usually bacon and eggs, pancakes and bakery items). Santa is available for pictures and a professional photographer is available to take that very special picture with Santa. Older students help out by doing crafts with the children during the breakfast.